Matsuri Japan 2016

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Yesterday at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Center was the 15th edition of the Matsuri Japan. What is a Matsuri? Well it’s a traditional Japanese festival where you can eat street food, play games, buy stuff, etc. I can’t really tell you more about the one in Japan since I didn’t have the chance to attend one while I visited Japan last year! The Matsuri in Montreal you can find all those things but you can also watch Martial arts demonstration, traditional dance demonstration, Taiko drums demonstration, etc. Everything is done in the spirit of the Japanese tradition.

So this year, I really wanted to attend the festival again, but I decided to do it a little different from last year so I gave my name to be a volunteer, I think it was a way for me to feel closer to Japan that I miss so much! So I ended up in the kids section. At first I was assigned to Origami (hahaha the girl with no artistic skills, great way to makes kids cry again!!), so I strongly recommended to be assigned to the exchange booth (safe place, no artistic skills required). So for people in the Montreal area, as you know they announced horrible weather for this week end, but the organisation made thing very clear by telling us that in Japan sunny or raining nothing could stop a Matsuri so the event would be held even if there is rain!

So yesterday morning, I went to the JCCC for the Matsuri and of course the rain was there as well. We were lucky enough to enjoyed some moment with no rain! All day with battle against rain and even if the event was cut a little short, I give the win to the Matsuri for that fight because of the amazing performance of the Komachi Montreal danse group who finished their danse in the pouring rain (you can see the video here:!!

Congrats to the organisation for a great Matsuri festival, Shout out to Yuko for her great work! Shout out to the great people I met Yuka, Cindy, Winnie, Fatou, Laura, Rina, J.P.

I had a lot of fun, see you next year!



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